Building sustainable wealth is a journey

And like every journey you have to have a starting point. This is exactly what Learn Finance provides; a ‘start to finish’ on the fundamentals of personal finance. It has never been easier to be financially wealthy, but at the same time, it has become incredibly complicated. The game has changed, but we can show you how to play

  • Setting Financial Goals

    Build a strong foundation for your financial plan. It’s the choices we make today that determine our financial future

  • Investment Basics

    What each asset class means for your investment portfolio, and how your Risk Profile can be used to guide portfolio construction

  • Strategies

    Build wealth, reduce tax, and protect your assets

  • Structures & Environments

    Learn about investing through Trusts and what it means to fund your retirement through Superannuation

Full course curriculum

[Applied] knowledge is power

Take control of your financial future